Monday, October 22, 2012

MAKE me UP by Jana Eason

Thornton Photography has been asked to be the host photographer for a new business in Clayton, NC.  MAKE me UP by Jana Eason offers wedding day or special event makeup artistry, and WOW does she do a fantastic job!  We have been to two of her "MAKE me UP" parties in the past month, and it was such a fun time.  The ladies get their makeover by Jana, and then we take over and give them a 30 minute photo shoot.  Check out Jenni's photos from September's party, and don't forget to check out Jana's Facebook page!!/pages/MAKE-me-UP-by-Jana-Eason/404011622981743?fref=ts


Friday, October 19, 2012

Monica's Bridal Session/Duke Gardens

Now that Monica and Ryan have said, "I Do" we can post some shots from her bridal session!  Monica was a stunning bride and made for an easy photography subject.  Here are some of our pics to follow soon...


Monday, October 15, 2012

Sara & Cory's Wedding/September 1, 2012/Millbrook UMC/Hilton RTP/TaylorMade DJ Services

Loved Loved Loved working with this couple!  We so enjoyed listening to fun facts about them during the wedding ceremony and feeling how much love they have between them.  We are  incredibly happy for them!  Congratulations Sara and Cory!!



Friday, October 12, 2012

Hal & Jamie's Wedding/August 25, 2012/North Raleigh Renaissance

A big Thank-You to Hal & Jamie for allowing us to photograph their awesome wedding!  Congratulations to the both of you and we wish you all the best!!